02. Meet KIT and KUKA

Udacity Robot Learning Lab MHS Update


Trailer on the KIT and KUKA from Intersect 2018


The KUKA path planning project is brought to you in partnership with KUKA Robotics and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Robotic Learning Lab (RLL). KUKA Robotics, a leading manufacturer of industrial robots, has provided the KIT lab with real-world 6-DOF (degrees of freedom) industrial robotic arms for you to interface with.
The KIT lab has provided the real-world setup as well as the project SDK (software development kit), which is a replica of the physical lab setup in gazebo simulation. They also built the web interface we'll use to submit your code to the hardware, and from which you'll view video captures of your code running on the hardware!

"KUKA is truly excited about the Robot Learning Lab at KIT, and our collaboration with Udacity. Together, we’re pushing robotics research, scalable online education, and worldwide community-building. This unique offering establishes a new model for globally training and educating excellent talents"

      -- by DR. Rainer Bischoff, Head of Corporate Research, KUKA